Winter Newsletter 19’
Season’s Greetings
It is with great pleasure to deliver our 2019 newsletter. In this letter, I would like to mention certain achievements along with special mentions. I would also like to take this opportunity to wish that you all have a ‘holly jolly Christmas and happy new year.’
Best wishes,
Carol Imrie
Key Changes for 2019
We have some key changes in the company from 2019 that we would like to bring to all your attention.
- Management Team- The company has undergone some huge changes within our management team as both the care manager and assistant care manager have left onto pastures new. This has allowed for us to promote several staff internally as follows and whom will be your first point of contact:
Care Manager- Carol Imrie, temporarily until someone is appointed to this position.
Glasgow- Carol Downie (Senior Care Coordinator), Jennifer Henderson (Training & Development Officer), Lynne Gibson (Care Coordinator).
Falkirk- Arleen Paterson (Senior Care Coordinator) - Service Times- First and foremost, we would like to thank you all for your patience and perseverance with our service times, as we know these can unexpectedly change from time to time due to unforeseen circumstances. The company is undergoing some changes in service shift times in order us for us to shorten the days for our staff, meaning we have had to provide some of you with a mix of different carers at times. We realise that this is not ideal in terms of continuity, however it has been necessary for us to take these steps.
- New local authority partnership- We are now working in partnership with West Lothian Council and due to open our area office in Bathgate within the coming months. This is an exciting opportunity for us, and we are looking forward to seeing how this will develop.
Training & Staff Development
Our company continues to invest more into training and staff development. Our in-house course enables all of our staff to be able to deliver the highest standards of care at home. As you may be aware it is now a legal requirement that all carers must be registered with the SSSC and all of our staff who are obligated to be registered are now registered. The registration means that a registered workforce will provide public confidence in social services by promoting and ensuring higher standards of conduct and practice amongst social service workers.
Care Inspectorate 19’
The visit by the Care Inspectorate took place in April this year. It can take place at any time and can involve clients and staff by asking them to complete questionnaires and meeting the inspector to discuss their own experiences of Careline Home Support. If you took part in the inspection this time we would like to thank you for your participation, we know your time is valuable and we really appreciate time taking for this out with services and work. The comments and feedback we receive prove invaluable in helping us improve our services and operations as a company. To view the inspectorate report, you can access the Care Inspectorate website at:, or alternatively we can provide the grades to you if required.
Winter months
During the winter months, we all tend to forget with heating being cranked up, and this can make ourselves become dehydrated, extremely sleepy amongst other problems, which comes with other issues, so we would like to remind you all to remain cautious both at home and while out and about and stay safe.
Employee of the month
We would like to remind you all about the nominations for our employee of the month award. This is currently two awards under our Glasgow and Falkirk branch, which will soon be rolled out into three. The award goes out for our nominated carers for the month and we ask that you either call in or email our senior care coordinators: